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Go To App Store Search & Download ' Joybien 'or 'UNO BLE '
This App allows you to easy control Arduino UNO/DUEMILANOVE Hardware Board via JBT24MPA/CA:FW:UART Bluetooth 4.0 BLE Module without any XCODE/IOS programming knowledge to make your own customized control App.
(1) 15 command buttons for Arduino control configuration
(2) 6 Text Areas correspond to A0,..,A5 for integer value display on iPhone
(3) 1 Text Area display for any incoming data to iPhone for monitoring and debugging purpose
(4) Changeable Background Image to fit your Application
(5) Provide simple command to remotely control Arduino board;
such as: digital output high/low, PWM, Servo control command to be used
(6) Provide Arduino Source code example for you to modify the control command process
(7) Flexible Button configuration to meet your Arduino Application needs
(8) Monitor and Alert you when your setting is out of bound.
Видео [Bluetooth Smart] iPhone control Arduino without xcode/ios programming knowledge канала Joybien玖邦科技

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